Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Elder Scarlett's 'Test of Faith'

Just to update all of you. ELder Scarlett was to have left from the MTC (Provo, Utah) today to go to Edmonton but his plans have been 'thwarted' once again. It has been discovered that he will require surgery, this Thursday, on his knee due to a previous soccer injury. As a result of this surgery, he will be required to remain in Provo for two more months to heal. Although this seems like just another 'setback' Elder Scarlett remains optomistic and happy. He is cheerful and grateful and is not letting this become a burden or frustration.
Perhaps a lot of letters of support and love would be good around now. Please send emails (through Dear Elder.com) OR send mail direct to his MTC address listed on the blog. Elder Orandy Orlando Scarlett.
MTC Mailbox # 200
2005 N. 900 E.
Provo UT 84604
We love you Elder Scarlett. Keep smiling!!!
Post a comment below for him!!!